Have a tea party with real china, then design and sew an outfit for your doll, or a pillow for you!
$25 per person Drop off only
sneakers required
No experience necessary
Open to all Ocean County Residents
To register call Lacey Recreation 609.693.1100 ext 2203
Fall 2019 SEWing and Fiber Art classes for ages 4 and up begin the end of September at Lacey Recreation
Crafty Katie ~862.205.1603~itssewcrafty@gmail.com
In home lessons, Homeschool groups, Birthday parties, school enrichment, PTA/PTO fundraisers, Adult communities, SEWing Experience available for events, festivals, and art and craft shows.
Taught by fiber artist and professional sewing teacher Crafty Katie who has 20 years teaching experience with ages three to adult. A well known fiber artist with permanent installation in Asbury Park and Long Beach Island. Crafty Katie services Ocean County's crafty needs . It’s SEW Crafty SEWing lessons for ages 6- adult are being offered at the Lacey Recreation Department and is open to all Ocean County residents.