Thursday, August 20, 2020

Private It's SEW Crafty Lessons Individual or Group In-Home or Virtual Fall/Winter 2020

Learn the basics of the sewing machine while skill building through sewing art and crafts.
No experience required
 materials supplied, Machines supplied upon request
Ages 6- adult 
In person or Virtual

In home group lessons up to 4 participants 

Daytime or Evening time slots available
Home school groups welcome!!

   Groups - two ,2 hour sessions $120 per person IN PERSON

Classes for individual lessons four 1 hour sessions $150 IN PERSON

 Groups - two, 2 hour sessions $100 per person Virtual 
Classes for individual lessons four 1 hour sessions $130 Virtual

For more information and to Register please email
Google Meets,Zoom

  Taught by fiber artist and professional children
sewing teacher Crafty Katie who has 17 years teaching experience with ages three to adult.Thanks SEW much!
Masks must be worn by all participants during in person lessons.
Hand Sanitizer will be used often during lesson.
*if you need a mask, one will be provided*
lessons will be rescheduled for any sickness

Crafty Katie
for more information on classes call or click

Crochet and Knitting classes being offered Ocean County ages 4 and up
Available for Parties/ Troops /Senior Activities/vendor events/ in home group lessons for sewing and fiber art
#itssewcrafty #craftykatie #lacey #laceynj #laceytwp #oceancounty #barnegat #manahawkin #waretown #bayville #sewing #fiberart #inhomelessons #forkedriver #lanokaharbor #knitting #crochet #nowyoucantbebored #thingstodoinoceancounty #LBI


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Beginner Knitting and Crochet Lessons ages 8-Adult Fall/Winter 2020

Knitting and Crochet Lessons available for in-home instruction or virtually in the Ocean County Area. These lessons are geared towards ages 8- adult. Taught by fiber artist Crafty Katie, a skilled artist with a unique approach to teaching the art of crochet and knitting. Crafty Katie makes learning a new hard skill fun, easy and doable! Get ready for some yarn and laughs with this fantastically fun class!
Learn the basics of knitting with the knit stitch and purl stitch while .making a teddy bear sweater, or crochet a book-worm and move on to granny squares!! 
Materials included upon request. 
 Four,1 hour sessions In-Home $100 Virtually $75.00 one participant
Four,1 hour sessions In-Home $90 Virtually $65.00 price per participant for two or more participants 


Masks must be worn by all participants during in person lessons.
Hand Sanitizer will be used often during lesson.
*if you need a mask, one will be provided*
lessons will be rescheduled for any sickness

#itssewcrafty #craftykatie #lacey #laceynj #laceytwp #barnegat #LBI
#manahawkin #waretown #bayville #sewing #forkedriver #laceyrec #thingstodoinoceancounty #nowyoucantbebored #laceyrec

Thanks SEW much!
Crafty Katie

for more information on classes call or click

Classes being offered in Monmouth and Ocean Counties
Available for Parties/ Troops / in home group lessons for sewing and fiber art

SEW Star Wars ages 10-16 Fall Winter20/21

  SEW Star Wars No Experience necessary. Ages 10-16 1 hour 4 sessions (Thursday) Google Meets $75 per person Venmo For more information and ...